領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問



領域專家 Paul教授

領域專家 Paul教授

現職美國東北大學教授(Current Professor at Northeastern University, USA.)

專題研究報告指導 Guidance for Research Projects and Reports.

領域專家 Daniel Wong

領域專家 Daniel Wong

歐洲時尚與設計學院米蘭校區研究所/現職 Jollify CEO ( Graduate School at the European Institute of Fashion and Design, Milan Campus / Current CEO of Jollify)

提供時尚優質產品,品牌全案策劃設計以及企業的務實型銷售推進和創造性形象提升、時尚作品集等諮詢 Providing high-quality fashion products, comprehensive brand planning and design, as well as practical sales advancement and creative image enhancement for companies. Additionally offering consultations on fashion portfolios and in related areas.

領域專家 Damian

領域專家 Damian

哈佛大學/戈登康維爾神學院宗教學/福樂神學院神道學研究所(Harvard University / Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Religious Studies Fuller Theological Seminary, Master of Divini

協助青少年自我覺察,發展自我動力 Assisting youth in practicing self-awareness and developing self-motivation.

領域專家 Jeannie

領域專家 Jeannie

新加坡國立大學金融工程研究所/現職耶魯大學馬來西亞面試官( National University of Singapore Institute of Financial Engineering / Current Interviewer for Yale University in Malaysi

論文指導策畫、面試技巧 Thesis Guidance and Planning, Interview Techniques

王牌顧問 Aidan

王牌顧問 Aidan

University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學

IB 狀元滿分45、IB 生物學、IB 經濟學、TOK、IB 數學 AA、IB 化學、IB 中文 A、IET IB Biology, IB Economics, TOK, IB Math AA, IB Chemistry, IB Chinese A, IET

鑽石顧問 Sean

鑽石顧問 Sean

University of Edinburgh 愛丁堡大學

IGCSE、IB英文、IB數學、IB物理 IGCSE, IB English, IB Mathematics, IB Physics

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