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SAT 課程


SAT 課程

SAT 通常由高中二年級和三年級學生參加。美國大學理事會表示,SAT 旨在衡量大學學業成功所需的讀寫能力、計算能力和寫作技能。SAT 評估的是考生分析和解決問題的能力,也就是他們在學校學到的、在大學裡將會需要的技能。

The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors. The College Board states that the SAT is intended to measure literacy, numeracy, and writing skills that are needed for academic success in college. The SAT assesses how well the test-takers analyze and solve problems—skills they learned in school that they will need in college.

SAT 學霸顧問總表


SAT 學霸顧問總表

分多多 SAT 學霸顧問,出身世界各大名校,考取 SAT 極高分數、擁有豐富教學經驗,經分多多嚴格顧問篩選機制,教出的學生分數皆有極大突破!

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