Sophie顧問是一位專業顧問。Sophie 顧問具備敏銳洞察力,能準確識別學生需加強的部分,並制定個性化輔導計劃。無論是在大學申請或ESL的語言領域教學,Sophie都展現卓越的指導才能和耐心,幫助學生明確學習目標,自信應對學術挑戰。
Consultant Sophie is a professional advisor. With keen insight, she accurately identifies areas for student improvement and creates personalized tutoring plans. Whether in university applications or ESL language teaching, Sophie demonstrates exceptional guidance and patience, helping students clarify their learning goals and confidently tackle academic challenges.
Academic Qualifications
Cornell University - Master's in Public Health
-SAT: 1500分(數學790分、英文710分)
-申請大學: 芝加哥大學、約翰霍普金斯大學、北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校、南加州大學、德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校、普渡大學
-SAT: 1500 (Math: 790, English: 710)
-Universities Applied: University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Southern California, University of Texas at Austin, Purdue University
-Experience: Former private tutor for university applications
-Teaching Experience: ESL teaching at a local elementary school in Shanghai
-Remote ESL Teaching Experience: Online teaching for students in Skopje, Europe
-Student Achievements: Students were admitted to Purdue University and the University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Teaching Subjects
SAT、IB數學、IB化學、IB經濟、IB英文、IB物理 SAT, IB Mathematics, IB Chemistry, IB Economics, IB English, IB Physics