領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問



Nicole W.

Nicole W.


Advisor Nicole is highly skilled in helping students with essay assignments, especially in subject English classes and social sciences. She excels at guiding students in building a writing structure and carefully encouraging their personal ideas to be presented logically.

Academic Qualifications



New York University - Department of International Relations and Global Health Management, with a minor in Business



-IBDP: 商業管理HL、經濟學SL、中文A SL、英文B皆為滿分7分 / 環境研究和社會6分(總分41/45分)
-IELTS: 7.5分

-IBDP: Scored a 7 in Business Management HL, Economics SL, Chinese A SL, and English B; 6 in Environmental Studies and Society (total score 41/45)
-IELTS: 7.5
-President & Secretary-General of Cambridge Model United Nations
-Delegate at Yale Model United Nations
-Ambassador/Representative at Knovva Model G20 Boston Summit
-Ambassador for Taiwan at HOBY World Leadership Conference
-Participant in the Constitutional Reform Forum at the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan
-School representative for Rotary Club

Teaching Subjects


IB經濟學、IB英文、社會科學、歷史、留學諮詢、申請論文輔導 IB Economics, IB English, Social Sciences, History, Study Abroad Consulting, Application Essay Guidance

More Detail


Nicole顧問對於學生需要繳交essay的作業項目十分在行,特別是學科英文課或是社會科學等科目,擅於帶領學生建立寫作架構、悉心引導學生的個人想法,使其能夠具有邏輯性的呈現,在顧問個別位學生客製化的課程規劃及安排下,Nicole W.顧問往往都能幫助學生提升學期成績,也訓練學生有良好的表達能力。擁有許多與國際政治關係相關課外活動經驗的Nicole W.顧問,對於本科系的社會科學相關領域也十分專業,背景實力堅強,對該領域有興趣的同學,相信都能在他的課程中有許多收穫。

Advisor Nicole is highly skilled in helping students with essay assignments, especially for subjects like English and Social Sciences. She excels at guiding students in building strong writing structures and thoughtfully leading them to express their personal ideas in a logical manner. With her customized course planning and individualized approach, Nicole has consistently helped students improve their semester grades while also developing their communication skills. Nicole also has extensive extracurricular experience related to international relations, making her highly knowledgeable in social science fields. Students interested in these areas will surely gain valuable insights from her courses.

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