領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問




鑽石顧問 Jeff


Advisor Jeff create flexible courses that allow learners to adjust contents according to their needs, enhancing pre-mastered topics and focusing on upcoming exams. He prioritise students, providing ample opportunities for questions and practice. For Math, he will first explains the content and demonstrates examples, guiding students through exercises. For Science and English, he places a greater emphasis on content explanation.

Academic Qualifications


悉尼大學-法律系 (LLB) 及金融系(Finance) 雙學士學生

Sydney University-Laws and Commerce (Finance)



-IELTS: 8.0分 (閱讀 8.5分、聽力 8.5分、口說 7.0分、寫作 7.0分)
-IB: English HL (7), Mathematics AA HL (7), Physics HL (7), Chemistry SL (7), Economics SL (7), Chinese A SL (6), TOK & EE (3/3)
UK: Imperial college (accepted), UCL (accepted), Manchester University (accepted), Edinburgh University (accepted), Cambridge university (interview granted)
HK: HKU (accepted with scholarship), CUHK (accepted with scholarship), HKUST (accepted with scholarship and living allowance)
Australia: University of Sydney (accepted), University of NSW (accepted)

-IELTS: 8.0 (Reading: 8.5, Listening: 8.5, Speaking: 7.0, Writing: 7.0)
-IB: English HL (7), Mathematics AA HL (7), Physics HL (7), Chemistry SL (7), Economics SL (7), Chinese A SL (6), TOK & EE (3/3)
-University Applications:
UK: Imperial College (accepted), UCL (accepted), Manchester University (accepted), Edinburgh University (accepted), Cambridge University (interview granted)
HK: HKU (accepted with scholarship), CUHK (accepted with scholarship), HKUST (accepted with scholarship and living allowance)
Australia: University of Sydney (accepted), University of NSW (accepted)
-Three-year tutoring experience, mentoring eight students to this date.
-Student's English score improved from failed to 63 on the third test. Meanwhile, another student performed as the top three in the class on their first Integrated Science exam.

Teaching Subjects


英文B、DSE英文、IELTS、小學至初中英文、小學至中學數學、初中及以下科學 English B, DSE English, IELTS, Primary to Secondary English, Mathematics and Science.

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