領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問




Ting Kai


Advisor TK has extensive experience in planning SAT and TOEFL courses and is more than happy to share all his testing experiences, tips, and advice to help students improve their scores in the shortest time possible!

Academic Qualifications



University of Washington - College of Arts and Sciences



-AP: 物理C-力學、微積分、人文地理皆為滿分5分 / 日文、2D藝術皆為4分
-SAT: 1560分(數學800分、英文760分)
-TOEFL: 114分(閱讀29分、聽力27分、口說30分、寫作27分)
-在分多多教過SAT、 托福、 英文
-Dale Carnegie 研究生助理(兩年)

-AP: Scored a 5 in Physics C: Mechanics, Calculus, and Human Geography; 4 in Japanese and 2D Art
-SAT: 1560 (Math 800, English 760)
-TOEFL: 114 (Reading 29, Listening 27, Speaking 30, Writing 27)
-Taught SAT, TOEFL, and English at 分多多
-One-on-one English tutor (3 years)
-Graduate assistant at Dale Carnegie (2 years)
-Chair of the Model United Nations (MUN) for 2 years
-Helped students improve their TOEFL reading scores from 13 to 27 and SAT scores from 1070 to 1380, achieving over 300 points of improvement!

Teaching Subjects



More Detail


大家好! 我是 TK,我是 UW '27 學生。 我在高中修讀了 11 門 AP 課程,SAT 成績為 1560,托福成績為 114。在教學經驗方面,我曾擔任過兩年的卡內基訓練機構的研究生助理、兩年模擬聯合國的主席、英語教師以及三年的小學生家教。 我希望可以分享我所有的考試經驗、技巧和建議,幫助學生們在最短的時間內提高成績! 如果您正在尋找 SAT 和托福老師,可以透過分多多與我協調時間,我能夠在合適的時間上,為您提供最優質的幫助!

Hello everyone! I’m TK, a student at UW '27. In high school, I took 11 AP courses, achieved a 1560 on the SAT, and scored 114 on the TOEFL. In terms of teaching experience, I’ve worked as a graduate assistant at Carnegie Training Institute for two years, served as a chair for Model United Nations for two years, taught English, and tutored elementary school students for three years. I hope to share all my exam experiences, tips, and advice to help students improve their scores in the shortest time possible! If you are looking for an SAT or TOEFL tutor, feel free to coordinate with me through FenDuoduo, and I’ll provide the best assistance at a time that works for you!

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