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Ariel (1)



Consultant Ariel is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Bioengineering at the prestigious Ivy League institution, the University of Pennsylvania, and has accumulated extensive teaching experience at FenDoDo, providing courses in subjects such as Chemistry and Biology.

Academic Qualifications



University of California, San Diego - Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering
University of Pennsylvania - Master of Science in Bioengineering



-AP: 微積分AB/BC滿分5分 / 物理C:力學 4分
-IB: 中文、化學皆為滿分7分 / 數學、英文、經濟皆為6分
-SAT: 數學800分、化學760分
-ACT: 33分
-家教: 化學、有機化學和遺傳學、歷史

- AP: Calculus AB/BC scored a perfect 5 / Physics C: Mechanics scored 4
- IB: Chinese and Chemistry both scored a perfect 7 / Mathematics, English, and Economics all scored 6
- SAT: Mathematics 800, Chemistry 760
- ACT: 33
- Tutoring: Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Genetics, History
- Consulting: University of California, San Diego
- Research Assistant: Institute of Molecular Biology

Teaching Subjects


AP化學、AP微積分、AP美國歷史、IB生物 AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, AP U.S. History, IB Biology

More Detail


My name is Ariel and I'm from Taipei. I'm studying my junior academic year at UC San Diego, majoring in Bioengineering. After high school (KCIS) graduation in 2017, I was admitted as a sophomore with 50 transfer credits from my AP and IB exams. Throughout my journey of exam preparation and college application, I'm glad that I always receive guidance and help from people who really care about me. Now, Fendodo.net is collaborating holistic resources you need for college application. I am happy to have Fendodo.net being a bridge between you and me. I can show you what I got to benefit your college application. Catch up on me @ Fendodo.net!

我叫Ariel,來自台北。 我畢業於加州大學聖地亞哥分校,主修生物工程。 2017 年高中 (KCIS) 畢業後,我以 AP 和 IB 考試的 50 個轉學分被大二錄取。 在我備考和申請大學的整個過程中,我很高興總是能得到那些真正關心我的人的指導和幫助。 現在,Fendodo.net 正有配備您申請大學所需的多樣最新資源。 我很高興 Fendodo.net 成為你我之間的橋樑。 我可以告訴你我有什麼可以讓你的大學申請受益。 透過@Fendodo.net連絡我吧!

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