領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問



Teachers Profile (1)



Consultant Julia is pursuing her undergraduate studies at Northwestern University and serves as a subject advisor at Fendodo.

Academic Qualifications



Northwestern University - Department of Communication



-AP: 微積分AB、中文皆為滿分5分
-IB: 英文A HL、環境系統及社會SL皆為滿分7分 / 中文A SL、經濟HL、數學HL、視覺藝術SL皆為6分
-SAT: 1540分
-SAT學科: 數學II 800分、生物E 730分
-TOEFL: 114分(閱讀28分、聽力30分、口說28分、寫作29分)
-TEDx Event的主辦單位

-AP: Scored 5 in Calculus AB and Chinese
-IB: Scored 7 in English A HL and Environmental Systems and Societies SL / Scored 6 in Chinese A SL, Economics HL, Mathematics HL, and Visual Arts SL
-SAT: 1540
-SAT Subject Tests: 800 in Mathematics II, 730 in Biology E
-TOEFL: 114 (Reading: 28, Listening: 30, Speaking: 28, Writing: 29)
-Organizer of TEDx Event

Teaching Subjects


IB英文、IB數學、IB經濟 IB English, IB Mathematics, IB Economics

More Detail


Hello there, I'm Julia Chu. Although there might be a million ways to write my destiny in college, I chose the most wintry option: Northwestern University. Still pondering in life, I'm pursuing a degree in Communication Studies and probably adding Industrial Engineering on my track too.
While handling numerous events as the VP of my high school student council, I also organized TEDx as a curator and hosted personal exhibitions in both TW and HK. In terms of academics, I completed the IB Diploma Program (IBDP), which fulfilled my intellectual curiosity and molded me into who I am today. I hope my experience can bring some light and guidance for those who talked with me.

大家好,我是Julia。 儘管我錄取了眾多頂尖的大學,但我選擇了最寒冷的選擇:西北大學。 對於未來的方向我仍在思考,目前專注於攻讀傳播學學位,也有計畫要把「工業工程」作為副修。
高中期間,在擔任學生會副主席的同時,我還以策展人的身份組織了TEDx,並在台灣和香港舉辦了個人展覽。 在學術方面,我完成了 IB 文憑課程(IBDP),它滿足了我的求知欲,塑造了今天的我。 我希望我的經歷能給分多多的學員帶來一些啟發和指導。

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