領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問 領域專家/學霸顧問



Lisa Zou

Lisa Zou

Lisa顧問目前就讀紐約大學全球公共衛生 / 媒體、文化與溝通系,在分多多提供卓越的總體經濟學、個體經濟學、TOEFL聽力&閱讀教學,讓學生掌握獨門技巧,在該科目中獲取高分。

Lisa is currently studying Global Public Health / Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University. At FenDoDo, she provides excellent instruction in macroeconomics, microeconomics, and TOEFL listening and reading, helping students master scoring techniques to achieve high scores in these subjects.

Academic Qualifications


紐約大學-全球公共衛生 / 媒體、文化與溝通系

紐約大學-全球公共衛生 / 媒體、文化與溝通系

New York University - Global Public Health / Media, Culture, and Communication



-GPA : 3.92
-ACT: 34分
-TOEFL: 115分 (閱讀 30分、聽力30分、口說 27分、寫作 28分)
-AP: 總體經濟學、個體經濟學、微積分BC、心理學皆為滿分5分

-GPA: 3.92
-ACT: Scored 34
-TOEFL: 115 (Reading 30, Listening 30, Speaking 27, Writing 28)
-AP: Scored 5 in Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Calculus BC, and Psychology
-Tutoring students in English Literature, AP Macroeconomics, and AP Microeconomics
-Providing coaching for public speaking

Teaching Subjects


總體經濟學、個體經濟學、TOEFL聽力&閱讀 Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, TOEFL Listening & Reading

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