IELTS 雅思國際英語測驗系統(The International English Language Testing System),是由劍橋大學英語考試院設計用來評估欲前往英語系國家求學、移民或工作者在聽、說、讀、寫四項全方位英語的溝通能力,與托福同樣為全球廣泛接受的英語測驗。
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS), designed by the University of Cambridge's Institute of English Language Examinations, assesses the ability of students, immigrants, or workers who wish to study, emigrate, or work in an English-speaking country to communicate in English in the four domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing and is widely accepted around the globe, as is the TOEFL. It is the same as TOEFL and is widely accepted around the world.
IELTS is spread into four parts: ◆Speaking 15%、◆Reading 20%、◆Writing 40%、◆Listening 15%